How do you pick the correct research problem? One thing that should be a primary concern for doctoral students is finding the correct research problem on which to base the […]
The Research Problem
Going Beyond Course Assignments The quest for a research problem/question begins with your deeper thinking about the content material of your coursework. Now is when you start to think further […]
Finding the specific problem
What is a focused problem? In my experience, the most difficult things for graduate students to understand are the importance of focusing their research on a single specific problem, how to find […]
Some Basics for Recording Interviews
Tips for Recording an Interview Here you are! You’ve researched, wrote, revised for what seemed like an eternity and finally, your Chair said you were ready to conduct your research. […]
What is Evernote?
Attempting to describe Evernote is much like the story of the three blind men attempting to describe an elephant based on the place that each touched the elephant. Each one […]
Task Management
Do you want to get more done with your time? Do you want to improve the quality of your academic work? Try a task management app! Planning your work during […]
“Smart Hard Work”
Are there different kinds of hard work? Have you ever worked hard on a project and then felt as if you had accomplished nothing? You thought that the paper you […]
Hanging Indent for Reference Lists
This is a quick post about paper formatting. All of the work that my students do is in APA style but much can be applied to other styles. This is […]
Setting the Heading Styles in Word
Word is a powerful word processor but many times, users do not understand how to format academic papers using APA style. Setting the correct heading styles is an important and […]